
서해안·남해안 풍어굿이나 동해안 [별신굿](/topic/별신굿) 등에서 행해지는 당산맞이굿을 할 때 차려지는 [제상](/topic/제상).
서해안·남해안 풍어굿이나 동해안 [별신굿](/topic/별신굿) 등에서 행해지는 당산맞이굿을 할 때 차려지는 [제상](/topic/제상).
정의서해안·남해안 풍어굿이나 동해안 [별신굿](/topic/별신굿) 등에서 행해지는 당산맞이굿을 할 때 차려지는 [제상](/topic/제상).
Gutsang is the term referring to the table of sacrificial foods in a shamanic ritual.

The make-up of a ritual table varies by the deity being worshipped, but is generally identical to that in a Confucian memorial rite, with the head or leg of a cow or pig added. The type and arrangement of the ritual table provide clues to the characteristics of the ritual and the deity being worshipped. The arrangement and the amount and quality of the sacrificial foods also provide information about the status of the worshipped deity within the hierarchy of deities in the community.

The simplest table is prepared for private rituals staged in the form of palm-rubbing (bison), comprising a bowl of water, whole dried pollock (bugeo), wine and fruits in three colors.

Slightly more elaborate tables are for small-scale rituals that are individually commissioned to shamans, including jaesugut (good fortune ritual), seong jugut (ritual for House Guardian God), and josanghaewongut (ritual for resolving ancestral grievance). The different types of tables for good fortune rituals include bujeongsang (table for chasing away uncleanness), bulsasang (table for deity of the heavens Bulsa), bonhyangsang (table for [[Bonhyang](/topic/GodofAncestralRoots)](/topic/Bonhyang), god of ancestral roots), josangsang (table for [[Josang](/topic/HouseholdDeities)](/topic/Josang), ancestor god), jeonansang (table for deity at shrine’s center), daegamsang (table for [[Daegam](/topic/StateOfficialGod)](/topic/Daegam)sin, state official god), seongjusang (table for [[Seongju](/topic/HouseGuardianGod)](/topic/Seongju), house guardian god), and dwitjeonsang (table for ritual’s closing).

The biggest and fanciest table is prepared for communal rituals like byeolsingut or dodanggut and other large-scale rituals including the thanksgiving ritual jinjeokgut and underworld entry ritual ogwisaenamgut. These big rituals worship all gods, so the table is huge as well, with enough food to feed every attendant, including items that require time and devotion like beef, pork, fruits or other foods served in intricate layers (goim), and yongtteok (dragon-shaped rice cake strips). The scale and variety of the food is immense because individual tables are prepared for each deity that is worshipped. In jinjeokgut, for example, the following tables are presented: cheonggyesang (table for cheonggye ghost), gamangsang (table for [[Gamang](/topic/GodofOrigins)](/topic/Gamang), god of origins), daesinhalmeonisang (table for Shaman Ancestor Goddess Grandmother), bulsasang, dodangsang, bonhyangsang, josangsang, jeonansang, daegamsang, seong jusang, daeanjusang (food and wine table), teojusoban (small table for [[Teoju](/topic/LandTutelaryGod)](/topic/Teoju), land tutelary god), dwejidaegamsoban (small table for Daegam with pork), sumunjangdaegamsoban (small table for chief gatekeeper and Daegam), andangjeseoksoban (inner quarters table for [[Jeseok](/topic/GodofChildbirth)](/topic/Jeseok)), and dwitjeonsang.




Gutsang es el término que se refiere a la mesa preparada para la comida sacrificial en un ritual chamánico.

La preparación de la mesa ritual varía según las deidades veneradas, pero en general, es similar a la de ritos confucianos, con los alimentos adicionales tales como la cabeza o pata de una vaca o cerdo. El tipo y arreglo de mesa ritual permiten conocer las características que definen el ritual y la deidad adorada. Tanto el estilo para arreglar la mesa como la cantidad y cualidad de la comida sacrificial proporcionan también la información sobre el estatus de la deidad reverenciada en la jerarquía de deidades adoradas en la comunidad.

La mesa más sencilla se prepara para rituales privados en los que uno se frota las manos como un acto de rezar. En este caso la comida sobre la mesa comprende un bol de agua, abadejo seco llamado bugeo, licor y frutas de tres colores. La mesa un poco más elaborada que dicha mesa es para rituales privados oficiados por un chamán contratado incluyendo el ritual de la buena fortuna llamado jaesugut, el ritual del dios guardián del hogar llamado seongjugut, y el ritual para apaciguar a los espíritus de los antepasados muertos llamado josanghaewongut.

Existen los diferentes tipos de mesas para rituales de la buena fortuna: la mesa de la eliminación de impurezas, bujeongsang; la mesa para el dios de los ancestros, bonhyangsang; la mesa para el dios ancestral, josangsang, la mesa para la deidad adorada en el centro del santuario, jeonangsang; la mesa para el dios de los funcionarios estatales, daegamsang, la mesa para el dios guardián del hogar, seongjusang y la mesa del cierre del ritual, dwitjeonsang.

La mesa más grande y elegante se prepara para rituales comunales como el byeolsingut o dodanggut y otras ceremonias rituales en gran escala incluyendo el ritual de acción de gracias llamado jinjeokgut y el ritual para acompañar a los espíritus de los muertos en su viaje al inframundo llamado ogwisaenamgut. En estos grandes rituales, todos los dioses son el objetivo de la veneración, por lo que la mesa es enorme con la comida suficiente para satisfacer a todas las personas que han asistido al ritual, incluyendo lo comida que requiere del tiempo y devoción como carne de res, carne de cerdo, frutas, goim o yongtteok. La amplitud y la variedad de la comida son inmensas, ya que las mesas individuales se preparan para cada deidad que es reverenciada. En el jinjeokgut, por ejemplo, las siguientes mesas son presentadas: la mesa para el fantasma de cheonggye, cheonggyesang; la mesa para el dios de los orígenes, gamangsang; la mesa para la diosa chamánica de los ancestros, daesinhalmeonisang; la bulsang; la dodangsang; la bonhyangsang; la josangsang; la jeonangsang; la daegamsang; la seongjusang; la mesa de la comida y el vino, daeanjusang; la pequeña mesa para el dios tutelar de la tierra, teojusoban; la pequeña mesa para el dios de los funcionarios estatales con carne de cerdo, dwejidaegamsoban, la pequeña mesa para el jefe guardabarrera y el dios de los funcionarios estatales, sumunjangdaegamsoban; y la mesa de los espacios interiores para el dios del parto Jseok, andangjeseoksoban; la dwitjeonsang.
내용당산맞이굿은 [마을](/topic/마을)의 수호신인 당산신을 맞이하는 굿거리로, ‘당신맞이’라고도 한다. 경기도 김포 대명리 풍어굿 중에는 [부정풀이](/topic/부정풀이) 다음에 당맞이가 있다. 당맞이는 [서낭신](/topic/서낭신)을 모셔다 굿 제장에 좌정시키는 과정이다. 이때 당맞이의 상차림으로는 맨 앞줄에 삼색실과(밤•[대추](/topic/대추)•감)와 술과 [향로](/topic/향로)가 놓이고, 가운데 줄에는 [삼색나물](/topic/삼색나물)•명태전•[[호박](/topic/호박)전](/topic/호박전)•술(2잔)•삼색나물을 놓는다. 맨 뒷줄에는 팥시루에 [북어](/topic/북어)를 올리고 조•[수수](/topic/수수) 달반대기(반대기 : 곡식 가루를 반죽한 것으로, 편편하고 둥글넓적하게 만든 조각), 해반대기, 백설기시루 위에 쌀주발과 [고깔](/topic/고깔)을 올려놓는다.

동해안 지역에서 행하는 [별신굿](/topic/별신굿) 중에는 ‘당신맞이’가 있다. 마을의 수호신인 당신(堂神)을 맞이하는 의식이다. ‘부정굿’과 ‘골매기 청좌굿’ 다음에 이어 세 번째로 진행된다. 무녀와 제주(祭主) 일행이 굿청을 떠나 당이 있는 곳으로 이동하여 당 앞에 제물을 진설하게 된다. 제물은 메•떡•적•과일•부침개 등이며, [촛대](/topic/촛대)•향로를 놓는다. 무당이 간단하게 축원을 하고 [제관](/topic/제관)들이 [헌작](/topic/헌작)을 한다. 다시 무당이 축원과 [덕담](/topic/덕담)을 한 후 소지(燒紙)를 올린다. [음복](/topic/음복)을 하고 골매기대에 신을 내려서 마을의 공동관심사를 점쳐 본 후 굿청으로 다시 내려온다.
지역사례부산시 [기장](/topic/기장)군 두모포 풍어제에서 무당이 부정굿을 한 후 당산할머니당과 당산할아버지당에 가서 당맞이굿을 한다. 이때 굿상에는 돼지고기와 닭고기를 올리지 않고 밥, 쇠고기탕수(쇠고기국), 나물, [인절미](/topic/인절미), 도미, [북어](/topic/북어), 과일, 막걸리 등을 올린다. 당산할머니당과 할아버지당의 [제물](/topic/제물)은 동일하다.
참고문헌한국민족문화대백과[사전](/topic/사전) 10 (한국정신문화연구원, 1989)
무·굿과 음식 3 (국립문화재연구소, 2005)
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