
[마을](/topic/마을)신앙의 구심점이 되는 특정한 장소나 신령을 일반적으로 부르는 명칭.
[마을](/topic/마을)신앙의 구심점이 되는 특정한 장소나 신령을 일반적으로 부르는 명칭.
정의[마을](/topic/마을)신앙의 구심점이 되는 특정한 장소나 신령을 일반적으로 부르는 명칭.
정의[마을](/topic/마을)신앙의 구심점이 되는 특정한 장소나 신령을 일반적으로 부르는 명칭.



내용당산은 [마을](/topic/마을)신앙의 여러 용어 가운데 가장 일반적인 지칭이다. 지역에 따라서 당산할아버지·당산할머니 등 신령을 지칭하기도 하고, 당산제라는 명칭에서 보듯이 제의를 지칭하기도 한다. 또한 당산에 올라간다고 하여 마을신앙의 특정 장소를 지칭하기도 한다. 마을굿에서는 대개 마을을 수호해 주는 모든 신령을 당산신령이라고 부르고 있어 당산의용례가 매우 광범위함을 알 수 있다.

서울특별시 영등포구에는 당산동이라는 지명이 그대로 남아 있다. 여기에는 500년이 넘은 부군당이 마을신앙의 구심점 역할을 하고 있어 당산이 곧 부군당이 되기도 한다. 마을신앙을 조사할 때 당산이라는 명칭으로 마을신앙의 모든 사례가 포함될 수 있음에서 당산의 보편성이 확인된다.
Dangsan is a general term that refers to a central venue in the worship of the village gods.

The literal meaning of the term is “the mountain where the village deity resides, ” but its uses are broad, varying by region: It can refer to a deity, as in Dangsanharabeoji (Dangsan Grandfather) and Dangsanhalmeoni (Dangsan Grandmother); to a ritual, as in dangsanje; or a place of worship, as in the expression, “head up to dangsan.” In village rituals, all guardian deities of the community are called dangsan spirits.

In the village of Seooeri in Buan, North Jeolla Province, are a set of guardian posts and poles called Dangsan at Seomun (West Gate), an example of the term used to refer to deities. They comprise four structures made of granite–a pair each of jangseung (village guardian posts) and of sotdae (sacred poles), each comprising a male and a female, and called Dangsan Grandfather and Dangsan Grandmother, respectively.

The name of the neighborhood Dangsan-dong in Seoul’s Yeongdeungpo district is an example of the term referring to a specific place. In this neighborhood is an ancient bugundang (government office shrine) that is over 500 years old, indicating that state shrines served as dangsan. In the village of Yesong on Bogil Island of South Jeolla Province, dangsan is a shrine located in a valley northwest of the village, between Gyeokja Peak and the mountain ridge to the east, with a stream that never runs dry throughout the year and surrounded by a forest of centuries-old bamboo-leaf oaks and camellia trees. Enshrined here are the tablets for the Grandmother and Grandfather of Yesong village. The tablet for the Grandfather was brought later from the village of Buyong. The shrine stands next to the village deity tree (dangsannamu) and serves as the venue for sansinje (mountain god ritual). The mountain where the shrine for the village guardian deity is located is also called dangsan.
Dangsan es un término general que se refiere a un lugar central donde se rinde a las deidades aldeanas.

El término significa literalmente “montaña donde reside la deidad de la aldea”, pero el sentido amplio del término varía según las regiones: se puede referir a las deidades como Dangsanharabeoji y Dangsanhalmeoni; a un ritual llamado dangsanje; o a un lugar de la veneración como se indica la expresión “dirigirse a Dangsan”. En los rituales comunitarios, todas las deidades de la comunidad se llaman como espíritus de Dangsan.

En la aldea de Seooe-ri de Buan de la provincia de Jeollabuk-do, hay una pareja de los postes guardianes de piedra y otra pareja de los postes sagrados, estos cuatro postes se llaman Dangsan en Seomun, lo que es un ejemplo del término utilizado para indicar a las deidades. Ellos comprenden las cuatro estructuras de granito -un par de jangseung y otro par de sotdae, cada par está compuesto por un poste masculino y un poste femenino, se denominan Dangsanharabeoji y Dangsanhalmeoni respectivamente.

El nombre del barrio Dangsan-dong en el distrito de Yeongdeungpo de Seúl es un ejemplo del término que hace referencia a un lugar específico. Este vecindario, está ubicado un antiguo santuario de la oficina gubernamental que se llama bugundang que cuenta con más de 500 años de antigüedad, indicando que estos bugundang han servido como dangsan.En la aldea de Yesong-ri de la isla de Bogildo de la provincia de Jeollanam-do, el dangsan es un santuario situado en el valle al noroeste de la aldea, entre la cumbre de Gyeokja y la cadena montañosa al este, con un arroyo que nunca se seca a lo largo del año, y rodeado por un bosque de árboles centenarios incluyendo bambú, roble y árbol de camelia. En este dangsan, están enclaustradas las tablillas del Abuelo y la Abuela de Yesong-ri. La tablilla del Abuelo fue llevada más tarde desde la aldea de Buyong-ri. El santuario se encuentra al lado del árbol sagrado llamado dangsanmok y sirve como un sitio donde tiene lugar el ritual para adorar al dios de la montaña que se denomina sansinje. La montaña donde se sitúa el santuario de la deidad guardiana del pueblo también se conoce como dangsan.



내용당산은 [마을](/topic/마을)신앙의 여러 용어 가운데 가장 일반적인 지칭이다. 지역에 따라서 당산할아버지·당산할머니 등 신령을 지칭하기도 하고, 당산제라는 명칭에서 보듯이 제의를 지칭하기도 한다. 또한 당산에 올라간다고 하여 마을신앙의 특정 장소를 지칭하기도 한다. 마을굿에서는 대개 마을을 수호해 주는 모든 신령을 당산신령이라고 부르고 있어 당산의용례가 매우 광범위함을 알 수 있다.

서울특별시 영등포구에는 당산동이라는 지명이 그대로 남아 있다. 여기에는 500년이 넘은 부군당이 마을신앙의 구심점 역할을 하고 있어 당산이 곧 부군당이 되기도 한다. 마을신앙을 조사할 때 당산이라는 명칭으로 마을신앙의 모든 사례가 포함될 수 있음에서 당산의 보편성이 확인된다.
Dangsan is a general term that refers to a central venue in the worship of the village gods.

The literal meaning of the term is “the mountain where the village deity resides, ” but its uses are broad, varying by region: It can refer to a deity, as in Dangsanharabeoji (Dangsan Grandfather) and Dangsanhalmeoni (Dangsan Grandmother); to a ritual, as in dangsanje; or a place of worship, as in the expression, “head up to dangsan.” In village rituals, all guardian deities of the community are called dangsan spirits.

In the village of Seooeri in Buan, North Jeolla Province, are a set of guardian posts and poles called Dangsan at Seomun (West Gate), an example of the term used to refer to deities. They comprise four structures made of granite–a pair each of jangseung (village guardian posts) and of sotdae (sacred poles), each comprising a male and a female, and called Dangsan Grandfather and Dangsan Grandmother, respectively.

The name of the neighborhood Dangsan-dong in Seoul’s Yeongdeungpo district is an example of the term referring to a specific place. In this neighborhood is an ancient bugundang (government office shrine) that is over 500 years old, indicating that state shrines served as dangsan. In the village of Yesong on Bogil Island of South Jeolla Province, dangsan is a shrine located in a valley northwest of the village, between Gyeokja Peak and the mountain ridge to the east, with a stream that never runs dry throughout the year and surrounded by a forest of centuries-old bamboo-leaf oaks and camellia trees. Enshrined here are the tablets for the Grandmother and Grandfather of Yesong village. The tablet for the Grandfather was brought later from the village of Buyong. The shrine stands next to the village deity tree (dangsannamu) and serves as the venue for sansinje (mountain god ritual). The mountain where the shrine for the village guardian deity is located is also called dangsan.
Dangsan es un término general que se refiere a un lugar central donde se rinde a las deidades aldeanas.

El término significa literalmente “montaña donde reside la deidad de la aldea”, pero el sentido amplio del término varía según las regiones: se puede referir a las deidades como Dangsanharabeoji y Dangsanhalmeoni; a un ritual llamado dangsanje; o a un lugar de la veneración como se indica la expresión “dirigirse a Dangsan”. En los rituales comunitarios, todas las deidades de la comunidad se llaman como espíritus de Dangsan.

En la aldea de Seooe-ri de Buan de la provincia de Jeollabuk-do, hay una pareja de los postes guardianes de piedra y otra pareja de los postes sagrados, estos cuatro postes se llaman Dangsan en Seomun, lo que es un ejemplo del término utilizado para indicar a las deidades. Ellos comprenden las cuatro estructuras de granito -un par de jangseung y otro par de sotdae, cada par está compuesto por un poste masculino y un poste femenino, se denominan Dangsanharabeoji y Dangsanhalmeoni respectivamente.

El nombre del barrio Dangsan-dong en el distrito de Yeongdeungpo de Seúl es un ejemplo del término que hace referencia a un lugar específico. Este vecindario, está ubicado un antiguo santuario de la oficina gubernamental que se llama bugundang que cuenta con más de 500 años de antigüedad, indicando que estos bugundang han servido como dangsan.En la aldea de Yesong-ri de la isla de Bogildo de la provincia de Jeollanam-do, el dangsan es un santuario situado en el valle al noroeste de la aldea, entre la cumbre de Gyeokja y la cadena montañosa al este, con un arroyo que nunca se seca a lo largo del año, y rodeado por un bosque de árboles centenarios incluyendo bambú, roble y árbol de camelia. En este dangsan, están enclaustradas las tablillas del Abuelo y la Abuela de Yesong-ri. La tablilla del Abuelo fue llevada más tarde desde la aldea de Buyong-ri. El santuario se encuentra al lado del árbol sagrado llamado dangsanmok y sirve como un sitio donde tiene lugar el ritual para adorar al dios de la montaña que se denomina sansinje. La montaña donde se sitúa el santuario de la deidad guardiana del pueblo también se conoce como dangsan.
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